You can easily run it on your current specs, anyway, you can see the system requirement’s below.

This Best game was released back in 2010, so it doesn’t need any high-end build. You also have access to the in metro games in order to play currency, which let you buy ammunition for your guns and more ingredients you earn it by killing and doing in-game missions, now it depends on you how you utilize the currency the central issue is you can’t buy the in-game currency with your real money, so it creates more suspense in-game. You face many situations in which you save yourself or the other player the choice depends on you, which makes the game more intense.

When you start to cross the missions slowly, your enemies get more powerful than they are, and you need to kill them while upgrading your weapons you get access to new and more powerful weapons when you are far from the start. you can play with it depends on you that how you would like to play the game in the accessible mode you will get Easy missions and enemies as similar in Normal and hard mode you will face more difficulties and much stronger enemies. There are 3 difficulty levels in the Metro Video Game Series. While playing the game, you get into so many places which requires a mask, like in Games metro exodus station some areas are covered by nuclear radiation in which if you don’t wear a show, you start to get damaged, and your health start to decrease by the passing of time, so if you need to be alive, you should continuously replace your mask whenever you get damage, or you are in the radiation zone. Therefore, when you start arguing, it depends on how you want to fight the enemy your gun has limited ammunition, so whenever you kill an enemy, you can steal the gun from their body the gameplay is for everyone They are all simple and similar.

You have many options to kill the enemy, you can kill him invisibly, you can also fight 1v1, which may also cause damage to you. Your task is to kill the enemy with different weapons. You are a member of a group of soldiers, and you start to play in the first-person perspective. The graphic’s so the players can improve quality in-game and enjoy the game as much as they want we can also say that metro redux 2033 added new weapons and enemies in Last Light. Metro Last Light is no different from Metro 2033 all the game mechanics are very same, and the story is also similar, which includes the nuclear war which was held in Moscow in 2033, and the player starts his story underground in the tunnel, the slighter difference between 2033 and metro redux last light is the improvement in a bit of game mechanics.