Chat colours (default):ġ) Say - this is aloud for anyone in close range to hear, if you're on normal keyboard, just start typing, when you hit enter, it will be a "say", and be visible to those nearby. never mind then) Using the keyboard - this first time is usually either difficult or awkward, often both! : Welp, I think the first thing to cover would be keyboard shortcuts, also known as the reason Opie keeps saying party chat in linkshell, or tells in /say hehe (she's gonna kill me): Here's how you talk! Controller users are already aware of this anyway, but for new players this just might be useful. and by preferred, I mean THE ONLY WAY I'LL PLAY! (barring less than sober evenings where I'll turn off the GUI and wander around in first person using the admittedly smoother controls of the controller to 'feel like I'm there'!! >.> that's just me?. 2) Thinking outside the d-pad! (zomgs?!) Think of the keyboard as a backwards controller, the D-pad is to the right, and everything you need to do is right there at your fingertips, this is my preferred method of control.

I recommended this to several Borecraft players and they were quite satisfied. "Compact" keyboards are like normal boards, but without the Numpad, in which case it uses ASDW to move with, and to input text, you merely hit the spacebar, which changes the letter keys from shortcuts to text input. 1) Changing the control scheme! (the terror!) Buried in the FFXI config menu (in game) is a spot (whom's location escapes me at the moment) where you can switch the keyboard from "full size" to "compact". Fortunately, these challenges aren't insurmountable! There are a variety of solutions to accommodate even the most D-pad addicted adventurer out there! Which I will list from most drastic to most comfortable. Save yourself the X-ty bucks a controller would cost! First things first: Generally I find two distinct scenarios with controller users, either they've played console forever and are used to the controller, or they HAVE used keyboards but on games like WoW (spit!) which control more like a first person shooter (ASDW/mouse combo for sight/movement). So, on Opie's insistence, I've decided (been volunTOLD) to write up this article to do the following things: - Learn, and eventually master this versatile control method. But in speaking to people who use controllers, I've realized that the keyboard can present an intimidating challenge to the consummate console player - even to the point of people playing on PC dashing out to the nearest computer store to pick up a USB controller o.O!. Preface: So it would appear that I'm one of the few that actually uses a keyboard (funny, I thought it was everyone >.>).